Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Xmas Refrigigator

I got the snowflake off of google
Happy Holidays everybody! ^ w^

Monday, November 21, 2011

Refrigigator drawings

More drawings of the refrigigator!

(the blah is a repeat because i fixed the jaw)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Refrigigator Faces/Emotes

Found some old refrigigator pictures, so colored and compiled them onto one page

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Derpy Owl Bear

Here is the colored sketch of the derpy looking Owl Bear from the previous post.
The color is almost where I want it... but I feel like I might make him a tad bit darker. Regardless, I think he turned out quite silly and awesome.

Owl Bears

So, I've recently started to learn how to play DnD. Let me just say there is a lot more to it than I thought there would be.
The only monster I care about, in the entire realm of DnD, is the Owl Bear. So I made an Owl Bear character and these are some rough sketches. I will probably have more, these aren't quite where I would want them yet, even though they are sketches.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Anteaters! Anteaters everywhere! Why isn't there more anteater merchandise out there? Such a cute animal.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

2 friends at the bar

Here is a drawing I did of a character of mine and a friend. Mine is the anteater and his is the tengu. I had this sudden urge to draw the two of them sharing a couple of beers in a bar of sorts so made a sketch and promptly colored it. I really hope my friend likes it ^^

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Had some free time, drew some girls.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kirin Character

I recently started researching the mythical creature known as a Kirin, or Qilin. It's a Chinese unicorn that is usually depicted as a deer-like dragon with scales and fur. It is a peaceful creature that will cause no bodily harm to anything, unless you're evil then it breathes fire to vanquish the evil. It is also said that it will only appear to leaders who are wise and benevolent.
So naturally I had to develop a Kirin character. There will most likely be more posts of her later.

Color experiment

Here's a color experiment I did of my gator character. It's still not quite where I want it so I'm going to be tweaking it a bit more.

Sketch dump

Here's a big 'ol pile of sketches of a gator character. I've been jokingly calling her a refrigigator. A lot of these are expressions, some of them are figuring out the body and experimenting with different body types.

OC - Relis

Can't believe I forgot to upload this earlier. Relis is a type of shape shifting demon who is controlled by her summoner. She's usually an evil character but that really depends on who summons her and what their motives are.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shimmer Lick drink

This is the fictional drink labeling I made as the last assignment for my illustration 2 class. Jubilant was picked by popular demand of the class (he beat out a salty kracken I drew) so he became my icon and inspiration for the drink. I had to make him more pink because the labels printed fairly dark. Hopefully I can get the 3D model (complete with drinks) back in June so I can take some pictures and post them.

top: bottle label
left: side 1 of box
middle: front and back of box
right: side 2 of box

Jubilant Glitter Hooves

rainbow-rific Jubilant

Greater Beastie

This is the first of many in my series of "beasties"
They are dragon-like creatures with at least 6 legs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Here is another sky pirate! This is Lucian, hes a boar. I think he might be my favorite character so far. Who doesn't love cigar smoking, giant gun toting, pigs?

Zombie sketches

I need zombies for a project I'm currently working on.
I've never really taken the time to draw zombies... I'm not sure why. This was really fun regardless.

Animal study - Iguanas

I thought I had already posted this but I must have forgotten... so here it is! Its an animal study of iguanas.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Business Card layout

Here's what my business cards will look like. I'm getting these printed for my thesis show.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Riley - with background

And here is the finished piece. Although, I probably shouldn't say that. I might give the crew members titles like Faine.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Riley - no background

Here's Riley, Second Mate and best friend of Faine.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cute vampire bat

doodled this a few days ago, thought it was cute so colored it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

bat drawing

colored a doodle I made earlier :3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Animal study - Lizards

Quick lizard study I did. I might add a lizard character or two to the sky pirates.

Iguana Beastie

For whatever the reason, I was really into lizards early December. Here's a monster Iguana

gator faces

Well I haven't updated in like a month... So here's something I did early December. A bunch of gator faces and other lizards.