Sunday, August 22, 2010

Animal study - Tapir

Tapirs, possibly one of the cutest animals ever. If an elephant and pig had a baby it would be a tapir. This probably won't be the last time I post some sketches of these little guys.

Animal sketch - Bongo

I love Bongos, they have cute noses and I love the stripes

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A.R.T. character art

Here is my character(s) for Artists of the Round Table (here) I'm some sort of forest maiden. I honestly had no idea what to be. I'm not much a magic user person so wizard was out and I didn't feel knightish and there was no way I was going to be a princess (screw dresses!) sooo... I figured I would be a maiden and her unicorn, lucky for me I already had a unicorn waiting for me
(background was taken off of Google, I had no part in creating it)

Animal study - Tree Kangaroo

Here's another quick animal study I did of tree kangaroos. I went to the zoo recently and I forgot how cute these guys are so I had to draw some. The three on the left are really stupid looking...